
outfit of

for Windows
Pressibus page 1
(Comics, Ataxx, Internet)
En français

General Points
Other sites with more programs, less details

Files management

manages the files extensions (the context menu)

BK ReplaceEM
replaces string chains by others, in a set of files

changes shortcuts, registry database... of moved softwares
DFolder displays the size of a folder and its sub-folders

Disk Data
analyses ocupied spaces on his disk(s)

Dos Mulligan Toys
is a set of little Dos tools useful for Windows

EasyZip - PowerArchiver
manages your zip files

prepares list of files in a same folder or not

is an hexadecimal editor

cleans the registry databas of unuseless entries

Stufflt Expander
expands all types of compressed files


Desktop & SS Changer
change regularly your wallpaper and your screen saver

gives a second "Start menu", for going in all the folders of all your disks

Nail it
lets any window on the top
Power toys
enhances Windows 95 in many precious ways
Rapido Utilities
are the little brothers of the Power Toys

shows the date beside the hour in the tray bar

Tray HQ
is a multiple tool in the tray bar

Texts,images, sounds

Comdec MP3
changes the .wav sounds (so Audio CD) into .mp3

is a dictionary between english and 20 others languages

Extended Character Map
displays the character map with comfort

The Gimp
is a powerful software of image manipulation

Icon Edit
modifies and creates 16 colours icons

Icon Toy
 captures icons of program files (*.exe)

Irfan View
changes the files formats

Mod Plug Player
plays musics in format "mod"

MPEG 3 Decoder
decodes your mp3 files

is a multi-documents text editor, with powerful Html enhancements

Notify CD
manages and plays your audio CD in the CDDB format

Word Font List
shows the look of avalaible fonts in MS Word


is an editor of html pages
Cookies Burp eats your cookies

organizes and memorizes your searchs on the Web
Cram compacts your html pages

Gif Animator
prepares the animated images of his site

Internet Explorer
browses in the Web

Net Date
updates the clock of your PC

Netscape Messenger
manages your email and newsgroups access

Web Downloader
eats entire sites and put them on your hard disk

transfers your files between your computer and another


shows the hidden programs, launched at the Windows startup

Win Top
analyses the work of your CPU

ZD KeyMap
redefines the keys of your keyboard

Plus a super tip !

To autoarrange the icons of all folders

Pressibus page 1